Learn The Art And Science Of Storytelling!
July 22, 2017
09:30 AM
Entry Fee:
Rs. 2000 (Exclusive of Tax)
Advertising Club Madras
57, Bazullah Road, T Nagar, Chennai 600 017
Terms & Conditions:
Topics Covered:
- Theme-Target for creative copies - Experience of writing copies
- High Concept - Premise - Loglines
- The Power of Story and the dramatic rise
- Story Vs Storytelling - Why do we love stories?
- Chronology of Story and Structure patterns
- when do we lose interest in hearing stories?
- Storytelling Vs Elevator Pitch
- The golden mean of th perfect pitch
- Data Vs Emotion in Pitch strategy
- Specificity Vs Universality in Pitch-Story
- Language and Body Language for the Pitch
- Referential status of speech